Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why should I care..?

So as I sit here and read my news feed on Facebook from the day I wonder to myself why people feel the need to "check-in" to every restaurant, hairdresser, store, bathroom, shower, laundromat, etc throughout their day.  If you're reading this post and you are one of these people who feel the need to tell the public where you are 24/7 PLEASE explain.  I hear that restaurants give weird treats and rewards if you check-in to their restaurant a certain amount of times but really is it worth it? I am friends with this one girl from high school who literally tells the world when and where she is in the shower, where she's eating breakfast, buying her clothes, doesn't anyone leave anything a mystery anymore? I use Facebook as a place to keep in touch with family members and friends who I wouldn't necessarily call everyday or see everyday, not to tell the world where I am 24/7.  Media is creating a world where nobody needs to talk face-to-face anymore and it's NOT good! People have nothing to talk about anymore because they know what you've been up to and who you're hanging out with/dating because you post it on Facebook.  I'm not trying to tell people what to do or how to do it, i'm just sharing my thoughts about how I think people are taking Facebook to a level that it should have never gotten to.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Distorted Images in the Media

While reading a  case study titled "Visual and Aural Signs" one part stood out reminding me of a video that I watched recently on YouTube.   The first section of the case study is about analyzing two photos put together.  They refer to the "Hope"poster of President Obama saying that the original photo used for the poster was distorted and edited before creating the poster.  Whether it's a profile picture on Facebook, a wedding photo, or a picture in a magazine you can almost guarantee that the photo has been edited in some shape, way or form.  The YouTube video that I recently watched was produced by Dove and it was about how much editing images of people go through before being put in magazines and on billboards.  In my personal opinion, the distance that the media goes to edit images before they are released is a  problem.  Dove is a respected company because of its dedication to making women feel beautiful.  However, by releasing this video that proves that they edit the photos this much proves that it's not Dove's products that are making women beautiful, it's the computer programs and cameras.