Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why should I care..?

So as I sit here and read my news feed on Facebook from the day I wonder to myself why people feel the need to "check-in" to every restaurant, hairdresser, store, bathroom, shower, laundromat, etc throughout their day.  If you're reading this post and you are one of these people who feel the need to tell the public where you are 24/7 PLEASE explain.  I hear that restaurants give weird treats and rewards if you check-in to their restaurant a certain amount of times but really is it worth it? I am friends with this one girl from high school who literally tells the world when and where she is in the shower, where she's eating breakfast, buying her clothes, doesn't anyone leave anything a mystery anymore? I use Facebook as a place to keep in touch with family members and friends who I wouldn't necessarily call everyday or see everyday, not to tell the world where I am 24/7.  Media is creating a world where nobody needs to talk face-to-face anymore and it's NOT good! People have nothing to talk about anymore because they know what you've been up to and who you're hanging out with/dating because you post it on Facebook.  I'm not trying to tell people what to do or how to do it, i'm just sharing my thoughts about how I think people are taking Facebook to a level that it should have never gotten to.  


  1. I could not agree MORE. I have honestly deleted or blocked people from showing up in my mini-feed because I could not take the minute-to-minute updates. I agree that people leave nothing to the imagination nowadays but even more importantly, safety is an issue. One woman I work with put as her status, "in Aruba for the week with my hubby!" Her house was broken into. Honestly though, what are people thinking? Especially when you have "friends" who you don't really know or aren't that close with. I recently went to an event where I saw quite a few people from high school who I had not seen in 3 years and I couldn't believe how much they already knew about me just through facebook. (I don't update my status often but they knew I had transferred schools, who and where my boyfriend was from, etc.) As far as the constant updates, save it for Twitter since those are people you are usually extremely close with. I also agree that it has definitely changed the way we communicate face-to-face.

  2. I too agree with this; people take facebook to a whole new level. I have definitely hid people form my newsfeed because they post too much. There have been times when my newsfeed is controlled by one r two people because of incessant posting. I do appreciate the occasional music video that people post, but I have friends that post at least 5 videos a day. And on the topic of "checking in" I have that option on my blackberry and I don't even know what to do with it. I think it is pointless; if you want a particular person to know where you are then text them. I have a lot of "friends" on facebook and all of them do NOT need to know where I am eating dinner. Leave a little mystery in life...

  3. I have the same thoughts whenever I click into facebook. Glancing at people's updates makes me wonder whether or not I should unfriend them because of how much I hate their posts. People need to keep their updates short, sweet, and to the point. I agree with both of the above comments in that face-to-face trumps online any time and I really don't care what, when, or where people are eating unless it's something worthy of Fear Factor.

  4. Yes, I agree with you all! Amanda, I’ve blogged about face book, titled “Mixed emotions” check it out when you get a free chance! I agree that status feature is the worse feature face book can have. Face book (in my opinion is being taken out of control) Daily news talk from friends seems to all be gossip from FACEBOOK! Ugh It kills me. Don’t get me wrong I must admit I am guilty of gossiping about Face book here and there or being nosey and creeping somebody face book just honestly I do it just to see what their all about, and as soon as see their ENTIRE LIFE STORY on face book I get the picture of how that person is. Face book is almost like a calling out site where you can tell and show the world you’re looking for attention. Some girls astonish me with their inappropriate pictures and dirty status sayings from rap songs. This social networking site is getting a little out of hand, I agree! It really just shows how people are in the world, and the internet lets the shy be heard I guess. It really ruins face to face interactions for many. How many times have you guys been friend requested, poked or chatted by somebody from class or the cafeteria or your circle of class switching and then you see them in real life and they look the other way! UGH!

  5. I wish I could say I was one of those people, so I could answer that question... actually I really don't. It's so annoying to me that people actually feel the need to tell me where they're located at all times. My friend's roommate is such a good example. Everyday she checks into her Zumba studio--Enough already! Who really gives a s***?! I just think that Facebook has taken uselessness to another level.

    It just seems that people have no limits to what they are willing to share to the world. People forget that what you post online is there forever and that not practicing discretion or good online etiquette could eventually come back to bite you.

  6. I too am in the same boat. I use facebook to keep in touch with friends and loved ones. I do not want everyone knowing my every move or location. I also dont update my status every five minutes. However to each his own I just perfer people not to know all my business.

  7. Like most people, I absolutely agree. Although these features are pretty cool and do have their benefits and positive attributes, they are completely overused. I know that if I was at a place that I'd maybe never been, like taking a trip for the first time, I might want to use the "Places" feature on Facebook. Besides that, I feel like it's kind of pointless and even a little weird to let people know what restaurant you're at and who you are with. The "who cares" factor is significant as well, because as much as we don't care, there might be other issues involved that can get icky and complicated, such as stalking and other privacy related problems. Sharing everything may be fun, but it can get annoying to those of us that don't care, and potentially could be dangerous for those who do.

  8. This blog is really so true! People are nuts on face book and me myself I don’t understand why. Are they trying to make people jealous because I’m sure half there friends don’t care where they are! The dating on face book people say sometime isn’t official till its on face book is that what the world has come to. Its crazy face book created a whole new dilemma. People get in fights over face book and it has definitely been taking to the next level by far. I was at the Earth fest the other day and if you checked in or said you were at the Nantucket nectar stand then you would get a free shirt. I understand things like that but I don’t get why people take face book to the next level, it isn’t needed!
