Thursday, June 9, 2011

Facebook, the fastest news station around

Once again i'm going to talk about Facebook and how it's becoming more and more of a source that we rely on for our news.  I'm sure you are all watching the Bruins or at least have friends who are.  And, I'm sure if you're not watching the games (like me) you don't have to turn to the news to figure out who won the game.  Being on Facebook during a Bruins playoff game is almost better than being at the game live.  My news feed has been blowing up with score updates, player injury updates, news article postings, game winning scores, etc. I don't think that I have found out about a winning game from the news since the playoffs started.  It's kind of amusing to go on Facebook when you know the game is seconds away from being over because the posts are unbelievable and only seconds apart! I'm a bartender with very little sports knowledge but thanks to Facebook I have up to date alerts.   On a whole different thought, the weather is constantly posted on Facebook as well making it so I never have to listen to the obnoxious music on the Weatherchannel again.  I was wondering if it was going to rain today and before I even had a chance to turn on the TV I checked Facebook and my friend who lives close to me says "it's finally raining! :)" so I guess the answer to my question is yes it's going to rain, Thank You Facebook!

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