Thursday, June 23, 2011

the things we talk about

As I have probably mentioned before, I'm a bartender at a small little restaurant on the Cape.  I work at night and lets just say our restaurant doesn't really attract the "young crowd" too often.  I worked the past four nights and on Monday night I had four people at the bar who were kind of chatting to each other, trying to make small talk.  The TV was on to channel 5 like it always is unless there's a game on and something about the Jersey Shore flashed across the TV.  The four people (2 couples) went from barely chatting to a full on conversation about "Mike the Situation".  I just started laughing because I was witnessing two middle-aged couples in a full blown conversation about "The Situation".  This eventually led to them talking about the rest of the cast and then onto the Real Housewives.  Now sometimes it's hard for me to relate to people at my bar because they are usually a bit older than me and i'm not really into sports enough to talk about it and know what i'm talking about. However, this conversation enticed me.  After work I couldn't help but laugh to myself that we sat there for a good hour talking about how great these reality television "stars" were and how we can't help but watch their lives on TV.  I do have to admit though, I am a sucker for reality television, it's all I watch...


  1. I think it was last summer that I caught up on the JERSEY SHORE thing, and from my wife's viewing I've got the flavor of the different REAL HOUSEWIVES shows... I think there's STILL a lot of work to be done in exploring what it is about these shows that speak to our souls....

  2. I watch real housewives all the time (I'm watching it right now) and I don't know why I like it, I just do. It's fun and the reality "stars" seem more accessible and more authentic than scripted shows. Also they're more likely to be on twitter adding another level of entertainment.
