Thursday, June 23, 2011

the things we talk about

As I have probably mentioned before, I'm a bartender at a small little restaurant on the Cape.  I work at night and lets just say our restaurant doesn't really attract the "young crowd" too often.  I worked the past four nights and on Monday night I had four people at the bar who were kind of chatting to each other, trying to make small talk.  The TV was on to channel 5 like it always is unless there's a game on and something about the Jersey Shore flashed across the TV.  The four people (2 couples) went from barely chatting to a full on conversation about "Mike the Situation".  I just started laughing because I was witnessing two middle-aged couples in a full blown conversation about "The Situation".  This eventually led to them talking about the rest of the cast and then onto the Real Housewives.  Now sometimes it's hard for me to relate to people at my bar because they are usually a bit older than me and i'm not really into sports enough to talk about it and know what i'm talking about. However, this conversation enticed me.  After work I couldn't help but laugh to myself that we sat there for a good hour talking about how great these reality television "stars" were and how we can't help but watch their lives on TV.  I do have to admit though, I am a sucker for reality television, it's all I watch...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Facebook vs SWAT

I was just reading the newspaper online and one article caught my eye.  "Utah man updated Facebook during standoff" is the title of the article so I read into it a little more and it was kind of disturbing.  He had a hostage with him and he kept posting that he wasn't going to let her go and that they were going to have to wait a few more hours.  One of his friends posted on his Facebook that there was a member of the SWAT hiding in the bushes, he replied with "thank you homie".  I'm wondering if he really thought that the SWAT had no way of getting into his Facebook? Newsflash people Facebook is not as private as you all think it is.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Media may not be helping relationships..

My mom and I were gossiping tonight (big surprise) and we were talking about a couple that just aren't getting along and some bad things have happened recently between them and my mom made a valid point that media may be allowing their bad behavior to get out of hand. Texting and Facebook are the two things that come to mind when I think about relationships going downhill.  Facebook is the center of SO many fights that I hear about in relationships, it's ridiculous.  Facebook re-connects old friends, allows new connections to be made, and allows people to talk to others without the awkward face-to-face interaction that they may want to avoid.  It also allows people to be sneaky.  What I mean by this is that sometimes people may use Facebook to send private messages or friend request someone that their partner may not know about.  Text messages are also another way where people in relationships may find trouble.  Texting is simple, friendly, and sometimes sneaky.  Media is making it easy for people to flirt and re-connect which when you're in a relationship may not be so great.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What are your thoughts..

A friend recently told me a story regarding online dating.  She was saying that her grandmother has basically disowned her daughter (my friend's aunt) because she met her current boyfriend on a dating website.  I have always joked about online dating but I think that it's because I have never met anyone who has had success on the internet when it comes to dating.  When my friend told me about her aunt dating this new guy and how he's great with her kid and just a really great guy I began thinking that maybe online dating isn't as big of a joke as I thought it was.  I feel bad that her grandmother is acting this way and I'm curious to see how other people feel about online dating.  You always see the commercials about the "success stories" and everything like that but of course I always think that they stage those and that they aren't real.  I want to be more open about people dating on the internet because I wouldn't want people to think that I dislike them because they met their spouse on the internet.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Where to rent..

I live on Cape Cod..i'm sure you all know where that is.  Last night I wanted to rent a movie and it occured to me that there is no where in my area to rent movies.  Both the local Blockbuster and Hollywood video went out of business.  I'm a college student working at a restaurant so clearly I can't afford a monthly subscription to NetFlix which doesn't even have new releases anyways.  I then remembered the "RedBox" machine at Stop & Shop.  I go there and for a dollar I can get a movie so i'm thinking "this is great all of my problems are solved, how convenient." None of the movies I want are available, why would they be, it's the only place to get movies on the lower cape and it's the size of a soda machine.  This is so irritating to me.  I don't have the money or the time to go to the movie theater when the movie is out for a week, literally. The other night we had the night off so I figured we would go to a movie for the first time in forever.  I wanted to see Soul Surfer, looked up the times, come to find out the movie is already gone and practically coming out on DVD in the near future. Typical luck. Why is the movie theater so expensive? I always bring my own soda and candy because i'm not spending twenty dollars on 2 movie tickets and twenty dollars on soda and pop corn.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Facebook, the fastest news station around

Once again i'm going to talk about Facebook and how it's becoming more and more of a source that we rely on for our news.  I'm sure you are all watching the Bruins or at least have friends who are.  And, I'm sure if you're not watching the games (like me) you don't have to turn to the news to figure out who won the game.  Being on Facebook during a Bruins playoff game is almost better than being at the game live.  My news feed has been blowing up with score updates, player injury updates, news article postings, game winning scores, etc. I don't think that I have found out about a winning game from the news since the playoffs started.  It's kind of amusing to go on Facebook when you know the game is seconds away from being over because the posts are unbelievable and only seconds apart! I'm a bartender with very little sports knowledge but thanks to Facebook I have up to date alerts.   On a whole different thought, the weather is constantly posted on Facebook as well making it so I never have to listen to the obnoxious music on the Weatherchannel again.  I was wondering if it was going to rain today and before I even had a chance to turn on the TV I checked Facebook and my friend who lives close to me says "it's finally raining! :)" so I guess the answer to my question is yes it's going to rain, Thank You Facebook!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Almost all advertisements in the media that you see whether it is in a magazine, on television, or on a billboard are of women.  Women are seen as a sex symbol and women are used for these advertisements because as we all know, sex sells.  These women are not average women.  Marilyn Munroe used to be considered the “average woman”, today she would be considered overweight in the modeling industry because she was above a size six.  The advertisements that we see every day are of women who appear skinny, tan, beautiful, and wealthy.  Have you ever seen Beyonce's commerical for her new perfume? It's basically a strip tease with a song and at the end in the last couple of seconds they mention her perfume's name.  This commercial was banned in a few places because of the sexual content and people felt it was inappropriate to be shown on television which I agree with.  The media has gotten very creative in their way of selling items on commercials and I think that it's only going to get worse.  I can't tell you how many times I will watch a commercial or look at an advertisement in a magazine and have no idea what they're selling until I read the fine text.  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Why should I care..?

So as I sit here and read my news feed on Facebook from the day I wonder to myself why people feel the need to "check-in" to every restaurant, hairdresser, store, bathroom, shower, laundromat, etc throughout their day.  If you're reading this post and you are one of these people who feel the need to tell the public where you are 24/7 PLEASE explain.  I hear that restaurants give weird treats and rewards if you check-in to their restaurant a certain amount of times but really is it worth it? I am friends with this one girl from high school who literally tells the world when and where she is in the shower, where she's eating breakfast, buying her clothes, doesn't anyone leave anything a mystery anymore? I use Facebook as a place to keep in touch with family members and friends who I wouldn't necessarily call everyday or see everyday, not to tell the world where I am 24/7.  Media is creating a world where nobody needs to talk face-to-face anymore and it's NOT good! People have nothing to talk about anymore because they know what you've been up to and who you're hanging out with/dating because you post it on Facebook.  I'm not trying to tell people what to do or how to do it, i'm just sharing my thoughts about how I think people are taking Facebook to a level that it should have never gotten to.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Distorted Images in the Media

While reading a  case study titled "Visual and Aural Signs" one part stood out reminding me of a video that I watched recently on YouTube.   The first section of the case study is about analyzing two photos put together.  They refer to the "Hope"poster of President Obama saying that the original photo used for the poster was distorted and edited before creating the poster.  Whether it's a profile picture on Facebook, a wedding photo, or a picture in a magazine you can almost guarantee that the photo has been edited in some shape, way or form.  The YouTube video that I recently watched was produced by Dove and it was about how much editing images of people go through before being put in magazines and on billboards.  In my personal opinion, the distance that the media goes to edit images before they are released is a  problem.  Dove is a respected company because of its dedication to making women feel beautiful.  However, by releasing this video that proves that they edit the photos this much proves that it's not Dove's products that are making women beautiful, it's the computer programs and cameras.